Our Library staff have been working so hard and we are pleased to announce opportunities for visitors to see what is in our library via our online catalog! To see if we have a book you are looking for, simply follow the link below and begin your search.
Sun: 9:30 - 10:00 AM
10:30- 11:00 AM
Wed: 6:30 - 7:00 PM
*Parents please accompany your
children to the Library.
“Study to show thyself approved unto God,
a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth,”
1 Timothy 2:15
In order to respond to the needs of all people through media that provides information, materials, and resources, the library ministry of Westfield Baptist Church will exist to: glorify God through the use of media, advance Christian education, stimulate Christian growth, win the lost to Christ and disciple adults, youth, and children in the Christian lifestyle.
The church library is a teaching tool, important to study for the individual, the class, and the congregation. It supports the mission of the church as well as the growth of individual members’ faith. The Christian, in his Bible study, needs the information, examples and distilled ideas found in books.
The Westfield Baptist Church Library has over three thousand items available for checkout.
These range from fiction and nonfiction books to DVDs, to music CDs, Bible study kits, materials for children and teens, etc.
We have the latest from authors such as Rick Warren, Billy Graham, Katherine Kingsbury, Priscilla Shirer, Beth More, Max Lucado, Toby Mac, Matthew West, and many, many more. We have nonfiction to help you with finances, relationships, emotions, your diet, and your
relationship with God. We have books and movies for your children, as well as the young adults in your family. If you want something we do not have, we can get it. We hope you will stop by the Westfield Baptist Church Library to check out a new book!
Our hours are 9:30 until 10:00 and 10:30 until 11:00 every Sunday morning
and from 6:30 until 7:00 every Wednesday night.